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Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography


Mamy już najnowszą, kompletną biografię Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography (Revised Edition) . Poniżej kilka recenzji:

“Franz Schulze’s 1985 biography of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe has always been acknowledged as the most comprehensive and thoughtful biography of one of the key figures in twentieth-century architecture. This revised edition with significant new scholarship by its two authors will undoubtedly come to occupy the same position.”
(Dietrich Neumann, Brown University)
 “A herculean, generally successful effort to present Mies’s work in terms of both character and context. . . .This book has obviously been a long labor of love and respect for which no source has been left untouched.” (Ada Louise Huxtable, on the previous edition)
“[A] distinguished and eloquent biography.” (Paul Goldberger, on the previous edition)
“The most comprehensive book ever written about the master designer and, by any measure, the best. . . . Because no writer has ever before probed into Mies’s life at such depth, we have here the first definitive reconstruction of the architect’s personal habits, loves, fears, triumphs, loneliness and (in his old age) agonies.” (Paul Gabb, on the previous edition Chicago Tribune)
“This excellent revised edition of a work originally published in 1985, has 138 illustrations, incisive descriptions of Mies’ innovative creations and a fascinating account of his Pyrrhic victory in a lawsuit against his disaffected client Edith Farnsworth. (Booklist, Starred Review)
"One recent book, however, has been largely overlooked by reviewers, perhaps because it appears to be merely a revised edition of a volume that Mies lovers already have on their bookshelves. Other than the title, though, the book is a completely different animal. . . . Fresh research into Mies’s American commissions, among them the troubled history of his most alluring American residential work—a transparent glass house for the eminent nephrologist Dr. Edith Farnsworth—has resulted in an almost entirely new book.” (Architectural Digest)
“This authoritative biography of Mies van der Rohe has been updated through building records, the recollections of students and a court transcript. It's a gripping read, even if you're not a fan.” (Christopher Woodword Building Design)
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